The Environmental Unit is responsible for monitoring water quality status of the rivers and reservoirs in the KOBWA area of operational for the assessment of compliance with the Ecological Water Requirements (EWR). This Unit is also involved in monitoring and controlling the infestation of alien vegetation that is known to reduce both water availability and biodiversity.
National legislation in both South Africa and Eswatini require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Comprehensive Mitigation Plan (CMP) to be compiled before a project of the magnitude of the Komati River Basin Development project is undertaken. The CMP binds the project proponent to its implementation. The CMP prescribes a water quality-monitoring program and is very specific on the variables to be measured and the frequency of measurement. The program covers both compliance (during construction) and status monitoring (post construction). Flow transformations caused by release patterns on the dams are mitigated through special design of Dam intakes and outlet works, as well as the implementation of Instream Flow Requirement (IFR) releases (also known as Ecological Water Requirements).
National legislations in both countries specifies water quality objectives and standards for various uses. The Water Act (2003) and the Draft Water Pollution Control Regulations in Eswatini are key legislations setting water pollution standards. The National Water Act No.36 of 1998 (NWA) and the Water Quality Classification System (DWAF 2002a) in South Africa defines the fitness of use, where water quality standards for irrigation, domestic, aquatic ecosystem health etc. are defined. It is important that KOBWA ensure compliance with these legal instruments when delivering water from the dams.